Friday, January 2, 2009

Rav Mickey Rosen z"l: The Quest for Authenticity

I often daven on Friday nights at Yakar, and I have not mentioned the passing of Rav Mickey Rosen z"l, the Rav of the shul. It might be best for me to mention Rav Rosen's z"l book, about chasidut - The Quest for Authenticity: The Thought of Reb Simhah Bunim. I bought it for my dad erev Yom Kippur and only gave it to him Neilah time so I had a good chance to browse through it. Suffice to say that I think it will become considered required reading. Although I can't say that I knew Rav Rosen z"l personally, I do remember his glowing face the Friday night of the week the book went to market. I believe it was deeply personal for him, and a major accomplishment, and perhaps we should be thankful that he accomplished it in his lifetime.

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